Supporting Better Mental Health Through Movement

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Our mission is to support better mental health through Pilates-based workouts for all ages. We believe in the early introduction of exercise to build a strong foundation in overall physical health, mental well-being, and coordination for life-long benefits. We design our classes to be engaging for all ages and welcome to all fitness levels. No equipment or Pilates experience is required!


Corah Pilates integrates classic Pilates exercises with strength training and breathwork. Kick off your shoes, grab your mat, and you’re ready to go!


These classes are great for when you need a little boost to keep going in the day. Light cardio, low impact, and will be over before you know it!


This is the perfect mix of Corah Pilates and Energy. Combo classes integrate Pilates and strength training along with the light cardio of the Corah Energy classes.


We all know stretching is just as important as the actual work we put in, but sometimes it’s hard to find the time or know where to start. Set aside a little time for yourself to reset, stretch it out, and breathe.

Movement Together is Better

Discovering your relationship with movement and exercise is often impacted by the first role models in a young person’s life such as a parent or guardian. I created Corah Fitness for people of all ages to move together and help develop a love of exercise early in life. What we do when we’re young can pave the way for our relationship with exercise into adulthood. Corah Fitness doesn’t focus on weight loss or achieving an ideal figure. It's about moving for the sake of moving because it’s one of the best things we can all do for our body and mind. The workouts are all-age friendly, and there are four formats offered to provide some variety throughout each week.